The people who run this place!
The dedicated staff team that helps vACC Thailand operate on a day-to-day basis. Meet them here!
Hoo Jiong Sheng ACCTHA1
Acting vACC Director. In-Charge of all the staff in Thailand and oversees all operations.
Vacant ACCTHA2
vACC Deputy Director. Works along with the vACC Director and oversees all operations.
Per Emil Enger-Rustad ACCTHA3
vACC Training Director. In-Charge of all training operations regarding ATC in Thailand.
Romtam Kangsawiwat ACCTHA4
vACC Events Director. In-Charge of all vACC Events.
Dieter Schulz ACCTHA5
vACC Facilities Engineer. In-Charge of keeping all ATC Sectorfiles up-to-date.
Johan Tiesinga ACCTHA6
vACC Webmaster. In-Charge of all webservices for vACC-THA.