vACC-THA Regulations

As the Thai vACC is part of the VATSIM South East Asia Division (VATSEA) we must adhere to the VATSEA Division policies. We want to highlight the Division Policy and Division Rating Requirements. These policies can be found over at

A controller wishing to visit vACC-THA must have at least a minimum rating of S3. A controller must control at least 1 hour per month or else the member will be removed from the controller roster.

A controller may only open a position based on what a mentor/instructor have approved them on. Example: An S2 controller is approved until TWR. The person is able to open DEL, GND, TWR.

A controller may only open a position that is approved in the Frequency List Document which can be found in the ATC section.

A controller opening a position must remain at least a minimum of 30 minutes on the network. If the user is found not following this rule, the staff will have the right to remove the controller from the roster.

VATSIM Policies

Every member of vACC-THA must follow the VATSIM Code of Conduct which can be found at

Every member of vACC-THA must follow the VATSIM Code of Regulations which can be found at

Every member of vACC-THA must follow the VATSIM Global Ratings Policy which can be found at

Every member of vACC-THA must agree with the VATSIM User Agreement which can be found at

Standard operation procedures